Vision & Mission


Creation of an environment conducive to value based universal education system to produce globally competitive proficient professionals who can contribute towards welfare of mankind achieve prosperity and peace in the world.


We believe in Bonding and Belonging, thereby our MISSION is to take all the steps to create it, sustain it and take a leap!!! Some Identified Steps are:-

  • To provide Knowledge with Academic Excellence and to make our Students better Technocrats & Professionals, so that they chart out their own path of Success and possess Perfection in their endeavors.
  • To inspire our Faculty members to always Excel and in turn Motivate the Students to achieve Excellence.
  • To guide our Students to be better Technocrats & Professionals with the quality to pave the way for creating a better tomorrow for our Nation.
  • To ensure that every Student of Shanti Electronic Institute Technichal Degree College becomes an Achiever.
  • To provide Continuous Research Orientation in the Faculty.
  • To provide a stimulating learning environment with a technological orientation to maximize individual Potential.
  • To ensure students of all ability levels are well equipped to meet the challenges of education, work and life.